Tuesday 8 September 2015

Lilly's Now is the Time Seminar: What Stops You........????? Part 2

This is Part 2 - every thought produces a chemical concoction that produces feelings and reactions.

What Stops You........????? Part 2

As I said in Part One of this Blog, we are creatures of habit. If we are prone to thinking negatively or pessimistically most of the time, that state of being becomes a habit. If we think that life is always positive, positive, positive and everything is just wonderful most of the time, this also becomes a habitual way of thinking, of being.

Dr Joe Dispenza in his book, "Evolve Your Brain....." says "...every time we fire a thought in our brain, we make chemicals that produce feelings and other reactions in the body....We do nearly everything we can to ensure we maintain those feelings and to restore the familiar chemical balance your body has become accustomed to whenever there is a challenge or an interruption in the regular, consistent and comfortable level of our body's chemical makeup that results in discomfort!"

So, whenever you feel a sense of discomfort about thinking and doing things differently,
this discomfort is due, in part, to the fact that your body's chemistry is telling you - "no, this is not what I am used to!!" Your body will do everything it can to maintain the familiar and comfortable level of it's chemical makeup even though it may be detrimental to your moving forward and doing something different. Whenever you feel RESISTANCE to change, know that your body's chemistry is insisting on maintaining what is familiar.

What can we do to alter a habitual state of being?? It takes awareness, self-discipline and a
commitment to change a pattern of thinking that releases a particular concoction of chemicals.  Be clear about what you want and think it, rehearse it in your mind. 

Aristotle said, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an action but a habit."

Feel into your desired thoughts by quieting your Mind to enter new information into the sub-conscious Mind; do this repeatedly with absolute certainty that this is now the You, you want to be. Think it, Do it and Be it. Be pro-active. Take action to master your Mind and you will alter your state of being as your inner neuro-chemical world assists you to build a new paradigm!!

Lilly Fitzgerald

Friday 4 September 2015

Lilly's Now is the Time Seminar: What stops YOU.......??

Lilly's Now is the Time Seminar: What stops YOU.......??: This is PART ONE of this particular blog. I decided to divide it into two parts simply because there is a lot of information to take in. ...

What stops YOU.......??

This is PART ONE of this particular blog. I decided to divide it into two parts simply because there is a lot of information to take in.

It is true that if you understand SELF you will find it easier to understand others. Judge SELF less, you will judge others less etc.

These words are true ONLY WHEN you take ACTION to understand SELF and ONLY WHEN you take ACTION to open SELF up to expanding your Mind to alter your perceptions. You cannot understand yourself and claim to know yourself just by talking about it. You cannot alter your life merely by talking about it or reading books or by theorizing, intellectually analyzing or just by attending seminars and workshops etc. 

However, many people do this!

How often does the conversation go, "Oh yes, that's something I read about in such and such a book...." Or, "Oh yes, I went to a conference and heard......talking about this. It resonated really strongly!"

My question is:
"What have you done differently since?"

It is well-known that only about 2%-5% of people actually take ACTION following a seminar or a workshop they may have attended. Most people become enthused on the day but once they leave and return to their familiar lives - their workplace, home, relationships etc - all that enthusiasm goes!

It is true that we are creatures of habit. We are hardwired
neurologically to become creatures of habit. As Neuro-Scientists continue researching the human brain and how it works, more and more information is available to each of us to really understand how we operate, how we learn, behaviour and the chemistry of that. 

Great information but useful only if applied in a practical sense to create different responses and outcomes in your life!

To become less judgemental takes practice and results in part from being less judgemental with SELF. If you are your harshest critic then in order to alter that pattern of thinking requires dedication and commitment, persistence and knowledge. It requires ACTION.

Sounds easy enough - yet it is more complex. 

Part Two of this Blog explains more.

Lilly Fitzgerald

Tuesday 14 July 2015


When you are relaxed and connected to yourself, your heart; when you are 'at one' with yourself you are enthused, you are inspired and you are truly in a position to contribute to life and to others.

Unless you help yourself first, you cannot help others

Care for yourself first, know when to do for yourself and 
when to do for others is to be self-aware, self-connected 
and working from within as opposed to what others expect
or 'think' we should do.

To live according to your values is to grow spiritually, is to raise your level of consciousness and is to be authentic. The words make it sound simple. It is simple. It is NOT EASY.

Some things to do in order to be self-aware, authentic and to raise your level of consciousness, are:
  • keep your mind on your own business rather than try and control others.
  • cultivate a 'love and let live' attitude.
  • learn from everything you do.
  • be aware of your limitations and do what you can to move through them.
  • everyday move closer to knowing who you really are, what your purpose is.
  • become aware of ego and know that intellectualizing your life stops authenticity.

 "If there is no enemy within, the enemy outside will do us no harm" -         African Proverb.

Sunday 5 July 2015


Astrologically, the predictions seem to centre around the perception that life between July and December will be a little easier for many; easier and less complex as well as offering an opportunity to live more authentically and be authentic, whatever that may mean to each individual.

I have always had an interest in astrology and while many tell me that it is non-scientific and is more a 'playing field' that is based on bias etc, I can't help feeling that energetically we feel and are influenced by the subtle energy of the cosmos.

Whether that is 'true' or not is for each and every individual to decide. 

Each person is the ultimate placebo (some, a nocebo) aren't they? Think about and embrace a belief with all of the senses,it becomes a part of your 'truth' irrespective of what others believe. 

Swallow the blue 'pill' that life offers truly believing in your heart that this blue 'pill' will create a great life for you, that is what you will experience - a great life. 

The converse is also true ie swallow that same blue pill yet BE the slightest bit hesitant, have self-doubt AND BELIEVE that life is hard and will always be a challenge, you create that very scenario - a perceived hard life and challenges throughout life.

So the question is "What do your current life 
experiences tell you about what your beliefs 
are about the life 'pill' you have swallowed?"

The thing is, it has nothing to do with the Pill we swallow and EVERYTHING to do with what we BELIEVE the Pill will do (or not do) -  that holds the power.

This is true of every area of your life - AND 

it is YOU that holds the power; it is YOU 
that determines you internal environment 
and external environment. 

So, if astrology tells me that life is becoming easier and I have the energetic support of the planets to be more authentic, I TAKE THAT BELIEF, EMBRACE IT & ENJOY IT!!

Lilly Fitzgerald

Monday 15 June 2015


"One of the simplest ways to discover how you truly see yourself is to take a good look at what it is you are getting back."

Oooh, bit hard to take this sometimes, isn't it?? 

Not always - but sometimes it is, particularly when we seem to be getting negative reactions from people and situations all around us.

It is true though; what comes out of you is what is inside you......it is the Law of Cause & Effect. We bring back to us that which we put out into the world.

It's like when you squeeze an orange, the only thing you can get is orange juice, true?

So it is with each individual.

If doubt is the dominant emotion, then that low vibration, that low sense of self and that negative emotion will return to you time and again, particularly when you are 'squeezed' by some situation or someone.

If fun is dominant inside you then that vibration, that light sense of self and more positive emotion will return similar vibratory experiences.

What comes out of you - what vibration is dominant within you? 

Is it more negative in relation to you or is it more positive; is it a sense of stability and confidence or is it self-doubt, fear, angst?

Here is a little exercise:

Ask yourself the following questions:

If I had a different perception about (whatever the situation is that you are facing) what would it be?

How would I behave?

What lesson am I being offered here?

Am I being offered this lesson over & over again in a number areas of life?

How can I make use of this opportunity to move forward?

Enjoy! Only you can make a difference to how you experience things!

Lilly Fitzgerald