Monday 16 March 2015


what the thinker thinks, the Mind proves as correct - your subconscious Mind filters all incoming perceptions to make what you think, true. When you constantly say something like, "I can't do this" you prime your Mind to

make it true and of course, you won't do whatever it is you say you can't do. However, the converse is also true. When you prime your Mind towards "I can do this" or "I will do this" YOU give YOURSELF a better chance to accomplish it. In this situation YOU are internally congruent with that which YOU want to accomplish externally. In the first situation, YOU experience inner conflict - YOUR internal speak is incongruent with that which YOU wish to accomplish. This often leads to a negative state of being which, if it continues over a prolonged period of time, affects your physiology - dis-ease in the body. The thing to remember is that YOU are in the DRIVER'S seat. What is also true is that if you merely say "I can do this" without taking action towards doing it and without an attitude of Mind that supports it emotionally, you will again experience frustration and a state of incongruence. Having Clarity, being Specific and focusing on the outcome you want and not straying from that position cognitively primes your brain and Mind to work together to bring you the results you desire! Most of us, however, focus on all the reasons why we can't or won't and then wish for the desired outcome! Won't Work! Doesn't Work!