Friday 4 September 2015

Lilly's Now is the Time Seminar: What stops YOU.......??

Lilly's Now is the Time Seminar: What stops YOU.......??: This is PART ONE of this particular blog. I decided to divide it into two parts simply because there is a lot of information to take in. ...

What stops YOU.......??

This is PART ONE of this particular blog. I decided to divide it into two parts simply because there is a lot of information to take in.

It is true that if you understand SELF you will find it easier to understand others. Judge SELF less, you will judge others less etc.

These words are true ONLY WHEN you take ACTION to understand SELF and ONLY WHEN you take ACTION to open SELF up to expanding your Mind to alter your perceptions. You cannot understand yourself and claim to know yourself just by talking about it. You cannot alter your life merely by talking about it or reading books or by theorizing, intellectually analyzing or just by attending seminars and workshops etc. 

However, many people do this!

How often does the conversation go, "Oh yes, that's something I read about in such and such a book...." Or, "Oh yes, I went to a conference and heard......talking about this. It resonated really strongly!"

My question is:
"What have you done differently since?"

It is well-known that only about 2%-5% of people actually take ACTION following a seminar or a workshop they may have attended. Most people become enthused on the day but once they leave and return to their familiar lives - their workplace, home, relationships etc - all that enthusiasm goes!

It is true that we are creatures of habit. We are hardwired
neurologically to become creatures of habit. As Neuro-Scientists continue researching the human brain and how it works, more and more information is available to each of us to really understand how we operate, how we learn, behaviour and the chemistry of that. 

Great information but useful only if applied in a practical sense to create different responses and outcomes in your life!

To become less judgemental takes practice and results in part from being less judgemental with SELF. If you are your harshest critic then in order to alter that pattern of thinking requires dedication and commitment, persistence and knowledge. It requires ACTION.

Sounds easy enough - yet it is more complex. 

Part Two of this Blog explains more.

Lilly Fitzgerald