Monday 15 June 2015


"One of the simplest ways to discover how you truly see yourself is to take a good look at what it is you are getting back."

Oooh, bit hard to take this sometimes, isn't it?? 

Not always - but sometimes it is, particularly when we seem to be getting negative reactions from people and situations all around us.

It is true though; what comes out of you is what is inside is the Law of Cause & Effect. We bring back to us that which we put out into the world.

It's like when you squeeze an orange, the only thing you can get is orange juice, true?

So it is with each individual.

If doubt is the dominant emotion, then that low vibration, that low sense of self and that negative emotion will return to you time and again, particularly when you are 'squeezed' by some situation or someone.

If fun is dominant inside you then that vibration, that light sense of self and more positive emotion will return similar vibratory experiences.

What comes out of you - what vibration is dominant within you? 

Is it more negative in relation to you or is it more positive; is it a sense of stability and confidence or is it self-doubt, fear, angst?

Here is a little exercise:

Ask yourself the following questions:

If I had a different perception about (whatever the situation is that you are facing) what would it be?

How would I behave?

What lesson am I being offered here?

Am I being offered this lesson over & over again in a number areas of life?

How can I make use of this opportunity to move forward?

Enjoy! Only you can make a difference to how you experience things!

Lilly Fitzgerald