Tuesday 8 September 2015

Lilly's Now is the Time Seminar: What Stops You........????? Part 2

This is Part 2 - every thought produces a chemical concoction that produces feelings and reactions.

What Stops You........????? Part 2

As I said in Part One of this Blog, we are creatures of habit. If we are prone to thinking negatively or pessimistically most of the time, that state of being becomes a habit. If we think that life is always positive, positive, positive and everything is just wonderful most of the time, this also becomes a habitual way of thinking, of being.

Dr Joe Dispenza in his book, "Evolve Your Brain....." says "...every time we fire a thought in our brain, we make chemicals that produce feelings and other reactions in the body....We do nearly everything we can to ensure we maintain those feelings and to restore the familiar chemical balance your body has become accustomed to whenever there is a challenge or an interruption in the regular, consistent and comfortable level of our body's chemical makeup that results in discomfort!"

So, whenever you feel a sense of discomfort about thinking and doing things differently,
this discomfort is due, in part, to the fact that your body's chemistry is telling you - "no, this is not what I am used to!!" Your body will do everything it can to maintain the familiar and comfortable level of it's chemical makeup even though it may be detrimental to your moving forward and doing something different. Whenever you feel RESISTANCE to change, know that your body's chemistry is insisting on maintaining what is familiar.

What can we do to alter a habitual state of being?? It takes awareness, self-discipline and a
commitment to change a pattern of thinking that releases a particular concoction of chemicals.  Be clear about what you want and think it, rehearse it in your mind. 

Aristotle said, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an action but a habit."

Feel into your desired thoughts by quieting your Mind to enter new information into the sub-conscious Mind; do this repeatedly with absolute certainty that this is now the You, you want to be. Think it, Do it and Be it. Be pro-active. Take action to master your Mind and you will alter your state of being as your inner neuro-chemical world assists you to build a new paradigm!!

Lilly Fitzgerald